Satatement with projections for COMPANY AS WHOLE of next five years | | | | | |
| | | | | |
Particulars | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 | 2014-15 | 2015-16 |
| Following | Following | Following | Following | Following |
| year | year | year | year | year |
| Projection | Projection | Projection | Projection | Projection |
| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1. Gross sales | | | | | |
i) Domestic sales | 61,979.28 | 62,246.02 | 64,054.91 | 59,476.07 | 55,350.16 |
ii) Export sale | 14,356.80 | 28,000.08 | 39,642.47 | 44,283.94 | 48,924.47 |
SUB TOTAL | 76336.08 | 90246.10 | 103697.37 | 103760.01 | 104274.63 |
2. Less - Excise duty and taxes | 2702.39 | 3194.82 | 3671.01 | 3673.23 | 3691.45 |
3. Net Sales ( 1-2) | 73633.69 | 87051.28 | 100026.36 | 100086.78 | 100583.18 |
4. % age rise (+) or (-) in net sales as | 14.06 | 18.22 | 14.91 | 0.06 | 0.50 |
compared to previous year | | | | | |
5. Cane Crushing | 1740000 | 1785000 | 1825000 | 1845000 | 1854000 |
6. Recovery | 12.51 | 12.10 | 12.28 | 12.60 | 12.42 |
7. Production | | | | | |
Sugar in Qtls | 2176740 | 2159850 | 2241100 | 2324700 | 2302668 |